[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

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A Mystic that is being influenced by the Scorned Player

Who scorned, the CW who just confirmed himself to the mystic?

lets just lynch margaret

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Meteoro is Scorned
His Class is Mystic

Hence, Mystic that is being influenced by a Scorned Player

they are confirmed lmao

Margaret is the Lynch. Lets get everyone to confirm their duties tonight and start the Lynch.


Who is devout if priestess isn’t?
Who is scorned?


Marg likely too busy talking in Scum chat to read regular chat Kappa123

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Lynch Marg.
@Isaac_Gonzalez Exe Priestess.
@Frostwolf103 Occ Fireslol.
@Soulshade55r Follow Fireslol.
@Ami Gossip fireslol.
@Possessed Ice Ward Dat.
@Alice Guard Isaac.
@Meteoro conduit Frost /someone
Heal Kai/Me/Poss.

conduit frost with me…?

@Priestess who do you think is scum

understoof chief

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Or dat. Really any confirmed BD should be conduited.

I wont out this,either you or dat

im convert immune so

be ready to lynch datbird later

when he gets converted

No convert will happen with my plan

Fireslol Devout, Soulshade Dreamer, not sure who the convert is.

can you stop ruining my plan