[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

And you n1 i think

Lets just wait,if fireslol doesmt come hes convert

I think of Fireslol doesn’t confirm here we just exe him. Of course, we gotta see Kais gossip results but I think we can end it by tonight.

You confirmed my PoF redirect Met no?

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True that but when dreamer converts the priest the same night that use channel, the dead person will be also Abyss before turning into Nameless N2.

Its either jail exe or lynch whoever kai decomfirms and fires,it doesnt matter the order


I’m not gonna go by assumptions today. @DatBird you can hit ME with the “I told ya so” lol

Fireslol is prob convert,just wait,if he can actually PoF we rethink,if he cant its gamesolved

Of course my assumption is Soul Dreamer and Fireslol Devout -cough cough-

Got a family shindig today should be back in couple of hours, may check during this though who knows


Is inactivity really the only evidence he is convert?

Well him being inactive doesn’t help his case. If he’s BD, he’s actively costing us the game right now.

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He hasnt talked since early d2 even with around 15 pings,he would care more as town,either way,we can confirm when he shows up

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btw i exed priestess

i got pinged like 3 times

I hope you were nice to her Isaac.

she wasn’t nice to me

i said “hi” and she didn’t reply back :sob:

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