[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

In my opinion, we got enough through confirming stuff.

If Soul would voted me, makes that him Dreamer and vice versa? I am basically counterclaiming him for spot in role list, donā€™t you understand?

Are you mechanically confirmed non dreamer?

I just donā€™t get why you would want to rush people

Thereā€™s one person who can confirm or deconfirm you as dreamer and its Kai.

warm milk or cold milk

There isnā€™t.

I am basically counterclaiming him for claimspace.

What confirmation do you need?

Please tell me that is not how you solve? There is evidence stacked on him than it is on me.

From an outsider perspective,why would you be town and soul dreamer?

  1. DatBird = priest
  2. Kai = noble
  3. Alice :crown:
  4. Fireslol = cw
  5. Possessed = cw
  6. Meteoro = mystic
  7. Isaac_Gonzalez = prince
  8. Soulshade = observer
  9. Frostwolf = butler

so magnus was the only neut i guess

who i think is scum from this


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Ok so lets say were wrong and soul isnā€™t dreamer. Fireslol get jailedā€¦you get a convert and wed have very little left to prove who it is.

Basically: This is one of our last shots to get this right.

what i think

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Missing King aligment fam

lynch for today - soulshade
jail exe for tonight - fireslol

tomorrow lynch (if needed) = alice

I donā€™t think youā€™re wrong Isaac, Iā€™m just afraid to be wrong today.

not needed tbh

alternative lose for bd -
kai was converted
mislynch frostwolf
the dreamer converts
fireslol is executed by prince as cw