[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

No one is actually leading town, which I cannot stand.

While lynching Margaret for Dreamer was our ā€˜best shotā€™, we got played hard.

Meteoro gave his shot with his plan, but it is bad.

That is bad leadership to you.

So who would actually objected if I vote Soul and get this over with.

UWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! They didnā€™t even get the death they wanteddddd!!! You are so cruel!

She does NOT smell like fish! Did you guys drown her and lie about it!

Iā€™ll be back home soonā€¦ donā€™t you worryā€¦

Anyway should I actually do something productive or nah.


ur voice was revived for a reason

I did not leave my room. That is the truth.

but u still somehow killed reaper ok buddy

Thisā€¦ is not a reaction test.

She said she will wait for you Wazza. And plz be productive. Iā€™m not liking that Frost wants to end it so fast atm


It was not me.

it was someone

Is it bad enough we had to wait for fireslol to answer?

reaper goes for king
wazza blocks king and dies
astand is killed by devout

Yeh well it sure as well was not flappinā€™ me now was it?

stop lying its a bad reaction test

I hate to do this butā€¦

correctionā€¦ here is the truth.

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Reaper goes for me.
I do not do anythingā€¦ my inactive ass decided to skip the night thinking I was just a boring class.
Astand is killed by devout.
I merely have no idea the Reaper died.

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