[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Priestess is correct.

ur just assuming that i used it as a insult

Of course I am.

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it was a fair question given my statement. it doesn’t bother me

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Also, now that Priestess is dead. I have the burning feeling that Dat will be killed if the Devout is not jailed or killed today.

can you stop being usefull

waits for round 2

/vote Soul


I am fairly certain Soul is Dreamer and Kai is Devout who tried to attack but failed. I think I know the reason how.

is soul lurker


| Meteoro | Isaac | 1 | <-- might be wrong
| Soul | Frostwolf | 1 |

from what kai said there has to be a therapist or invest

the devout died last night you donk

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That’s not how converts work ask Geyde

That fits because Kai did ‘Telepath’ to Possessed.

Therapist died.

The one who was the Therapist may have been scary but still.

…I am Frost

um im not understanding kai’s results

frost your obv scum give up.

I am Dat… what’s that got to do with that’s not how converts and attacks work. The devout was imprisoned last night

@Geyde can you do something about fireslol being inactive