[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

magnus was the only neut tbh

Look, I have explained that Soul have said D3 that he is unable to visit the target, what I already said since D3 as well that Dreamer gets notified about occupy and redirection. He didnā€™'t vote up Magnus and I know he is no Devout since he got jailed N1, he did claim Investigative so I went to occupy him N2 and see if he reacts differently but nope, he apparently speak the truth so that narrows his class type to S/I

Soul visiting Priestess N2 wouldnā€™t make sense since she flipped Devout at D4 and Kai got jailed the same night at N2, except I have no idea who he converted but I assume he tried to convert SFed player by Alice then that makes her GK, would be nice that she share the SF target for us.

Yes I can be converted as Dominator but there is no telling who might be afraid since no feedback and no investigatives have said they are unable to visit the target otherwise I would have occupied Kai and ignore instructions, but that didnā€™t happen either because I know that is anti-town in nature.

Kai can still have Gossip result and get converted N3, as I mentioned before - Soul may have likely tried to convert N2 but also failed because of Aliceā€™s SF ability and since I happen to occupy him and notified, by claiming investigative he wouldnā€™t look suspicious

I am going to sleep now, donā€™t ask questions if you canā€™t read.

You have put hope on Kai able to gamesolve this and Soul knows this.

/vote Frost

I still canā€™t get over you claiming Butler.


What now?

you fail to remember i have one good thing. Being a clutch king

Please explain.

As scum you mean

and bd soo :blush:

Still nothing on Fireslol. Guess it furthers my point

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You havenā€™t told me about Fireslol

What that they are scum and u keep overlooking it.

I guess you need to be more clear about you ask

Explain this

How should I explain when he is unknown? Who really even would convert D1 court wizard claim?

I would avoid it.

Yeah letā€™s not convert the only townslip

Wait, so the only gossip was that Fireslol was Investigated? Is that the feedback for Observer?

The only two Scum team possibilities are Fireslol/Frost and Soul/Kai. Soul could have very easily converted Kai after he double voted.

If thatā€™s the caseā€¦dear lord Fireslol get in this thread.

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Literally I will not.

No, he is jailed N2 is he not?

Yes so what night would he convert him last night?