[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

any invests wanna come and take credit for it?

We only have 1 invest claim left iirc

which is Soul. SOOO by that logic he investigated firesol.

Except he must be dreamer and they get the message ā€˜unable to visit the targetā€™ from occupying if he is actually Observer.

Dreamer get notified if he got redirected or occupied.

So he have to act like this.

So that is one flaw

it has to be a successful investgation mah dood

He claimed investigative so he wouldnā€™t know if he is non-invest or non-dreamer

By that I mean he wouldnā€™t know get occupied or redirected.

Gossip makes room for lying when you get converted, got 'em!

the onyl invest claim + a successful investgation on firesol. Your a smart guy, do the math

No sir, you donā€™t do math

Unable to visit target does not mean prevent action 100%

I- It does. If you cant visit someone, you cannot do your action

Occupy the target means you wouldnā€™t visit the target.

Ez game

Can we just end this day already.

I miss Priestess.

let wazza suffer for 2 more days /s

I would prefer lynching Soul so I can occupy Kai.

This is a choice, that I have to die so Dat can use me.

I prefer to do that so I can occupy myself thank you

You donā€™t need me to ask it twice, I know what I am doing.

you cant occupy me. Stop bluffin

Yes I can, give it up.