[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

The scumteam have conceded and there would realistically be no way for Alice to win the game, so I will be ending it early.

The Blue Dragon (other than Astand) have won!

Also Magnus the fool

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Ahh interesting.

Fireslol was the last scum if that wasn’t already obvious

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What was Alice.

Eldritch King

Ahh, yes of course…

…as Baz predicted.

I knew they were evil when they had that idiotic plan about not swear fealtying to cover their ass HAHA

This should denote it

Can I move to the afterlife now?


Btw we had on D3 AND on D4 times where we could have had a guaranteed win, if all scum would have been online.

Astand lost?

And also, is this a joke or did Astand really not win?

You are evil.

He’s not evil.

He was modkilled for excessive angleshooting

Ergo autoloss

Wait so a dead person was mod killed?


Yes you can modkill a dead player if they are threatening the integrity of the game


Fair enough then.