[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Fires prevented visits on priestess right?

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Yep, in fact lynching me and not jailing Fireslol would have won us the game guaranteed, too ;D ā€¦ jail exing poor Marg would have been nice too of course

He said he try to visit Priestess but is unable to do that.

That means preventation which most assume that Fireslol did that.

I said that I occupied Soul and because he claimed investigative, I want to ā€˜testā€™ out him for reaction if he is non-invest or non-dreamer, so see that as investigation action in form of roleblocking

Thats why I wanted you jail exed

The one time in this game BD really started to think.

Halfway considering making it a no contest for scum
Yeah Iā€™m going to do it

Also one doubt I have,can stigian heal King?

They cannot unless it was elected EK

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It was actually this way.

We basically lost because he didnā€™t use nightmare D2 when he wouldnā€™t been found out by TWO frigging investigatives, no idea what Soul is suppose to pull which would have been nice argument what he intend to use, faction check would look as BD or he follow Priestess what he is doing.

There is once a discussion not to attack ^^

I basically gave up by late D3. PoF+Telepathy and Gossip basically allowed BD to mechanically confirm a shit-ton of players which allowed them to win without any reads involved.

Alice we could have maybe still won D4, if you were online. Isaac had his vote on Meteoro, and Fireslol was online too.

Abyssians got a no contest instead of a loss because of the sheer amount of shit that happened in DC

Glad I was removed before this happened though.

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If we had nightmare at D2, things wouldnā€™t have been this bad

Tbf we could have checked if Frost was legit with a poison

Yeah I honestly thought Scum did better, but BD did what they could with what they had. And what they hadā€¦wasnā€™t much.

D3 is not necessary even if I am actually Butler

This game was legitimately the worst game I ever had the displeasure of having to watch.

Reads were near nonexistant
Mechanical victory
Angleshooting. Lots and lots of angleshooting.
BD Uniques exist.

Can I get added to Deadchat

What exactly happened in DC?