[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Oh and hey, Geyde DID have some mercy with us getting a Priest. I did say getting an EK/SS would balance how BD sided this game was.

We had a NK who died n1 and a Fool who flipped himself as Foolā€¦

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Well thatā€™s not Geydes fault :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly MVP Magnus for town. Fool flipping fool won it.

Did devout vote fool

Nope. Dreamer did, but devout and convert didnā€™t.

I knew itā€™s fool so I didnā€™t vote him.

Fool effect should be changed it shouldnā€™t affect negatively scum like that especially when theyā€™re not part of vote

Yeahā€¦ >.>

imho the town mvp should be dat/possessed/ and you could argue me but it would be a pretty weak case tbf so i went with you :man_shrugging:

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Ahhh, that explains why Iā€™m always townread then!

Believe it or notā€¦so did i. I had a feeling he was fool and I was planning on using that to have Devout 1) kill themselves or 2) Out themselves with a kill.

Puh, why does Fool have to be so Pro-BD.
You actually could out yourself as Fool and asked to be executed.
And BD should do so
. . .

because losing a day of voting was really harsh and for some reason people donā€™t want to get rid of fool

This game BD literally won a day instead of losing one.

Specific situation

Pretty sure people tried to warn others of this but people are going to keep something they like until you provide proof of it being broken

Usually it gives NK in most cases turn and converter

itā€™s not specific when it happens every time they are lynched

But still shouldnā€™t be a thing

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