[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

my 200iq meme play

Neither it does if player is bad at game they wonā€™t be able to fake fool

Plus we have prince role to execute fool sus

Thatā€™s false. If player is bad at the game they would act like a bad fool lmao.

So what you are essentially saying is that fool takes no skill to play because it would be hung anyway.

Well if thereā€™s no difference of being bad and being fool, then you can believe every superscum is fool and have prince kill.

Now fools have a reputation, so they gotta evolve. Look scummy enough for a hang, but not fool. Its actually a tough role.

Itā€™s not tough at all? People said magnus was obviously fool yet people still hung them.

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We have prince for that

Also you can deduce they are not fool if theyā€™re bad at game

He could have been scum trying to look like a fool, though.

And thatā€™s what we want to avoid. We donā€™t want to give scum crutches to not be executed because they played badly enough to not be hung

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Then you jail exe

Why didnā€™t they do that?

i donā€™t get fool defenders, fol=/=tol. what may work in one doesnā€™t work in the other

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Because they didnā€™t play optimal strategy

hindsight is 20/20

Thatā€™s like saying scorned is bad because someone lynched their target

no thatā€™s like saying Fool is bad because they want to be hung

itā€™s bad

If you donā€™t try to keep the game somehow similiar to ToL, you have huge problems to get new players from there.

That has nothing to do with point I just made

The fault doesnā€™t lie in the existence of Fool, the fault lies in the consequence of it. If the worst that happens is a few BD lose a night of invests, but can kill a potential Scumā€¦wouldnā€™t they always take it?

Thatā€™s not a valid argument when balancing games. The reason cult is changed here is because cult is super under powered they needed to be changed.

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Reason reaper was changed is the chill and reap wouldnā€™t work in a forum setting as no one can tell the difference between afk and reaped.