[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

We are reworking it already


Itā€™s the last post thing which is the problem, not the [x] is typing thing

Thatā€™s not angleshooting.
Angleshooting would be ā€œmod hasnā€™t replaced this player so this must be scumā€

in your opinion who were the MVPs?

Cynical Answer:
Nobody because this game is a trainwreck

Real Answer:
Magnus for Town
Priestess for scum


i agree on priestess

The first one hides the last post on the user card.
The second line hides it on the profile.

Priestess after OUTING AS SCUM, some how magically convinced the Town to lynch the Therapist and made a lot of Town believe they were Town.

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wazza was a noob this game

oh hey they did the same thing I did as the Emperor way to go priestess

Thanks a lot

I am completely serious here

magnus was fool?

@Kirefitten alchemist is way worse than fool

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But I am Town for real, Margaret is the Dreamer who fake claimed Prince to me, thatā€™s why I did this mistake with counterclaiming a confirmed Princeā€¦


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did you see the new alch