[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!


Idk, is CW so powerful here? Itā€™s not a bad idea to claim it in ToL d1 since youā€™ll be ignored by the evilsā€¦

Abyss format doesnā€™t have scouts, and a CW has no convert protection. Might not be the BEST n1 convert but it IS the easiest.

It can protect from conversion,so yes

Fireslol is basically easy convert unless second CW


What if they donā€™t convert me because they think Iā€™ll get lynched day 2 tomorrow as a waste of convert?

Its WIFOM basically

Basically Princess Bride.


@fireslol iceward me

Inb4 fireslol proceeds to not protect anyone Who asks

well i need it the most

I also need It, everyone needs it

Its kinda scummy to ask for an Icy Ward.

ā€¦hey can I get an Icy Ward still, though?..

Thats already many people askingā€¦

Surprised that people ask for ice ward and not for barrier

Every single person is asking for an ice ward or a magical barrier on themselves though.

I mean,they ask because they know their aligment

Iā€™ll just do what I think is gud.