[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

Whatever helps you sleep at night, EK

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W o w

Merc needs to communicate with their partner to protecc them now ok evil king

W o w
1 class out of 14, higher chance that I didnt visit than that lmao

How the hell am I an EK when I’m the only one with Baz who’s actually been scum hunting while you’re just derping around here while Marg is apparently lock-town despite lurking?

Oh, I see what you’re getting at.


This isn’t how you play that class.

W o w

Its not like i was intentionally avoiding saying stuff

That’s not how you play that damn class, though.

Who are you to tell others how to play their class?

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Marg is converted mystic :thinking: I dont get it

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W o w
Maybe they were trying to save stuff

Or getting ready to confirm themselves

Or something :woman_shrugging:

Also this is a waste

Because lurking is a common scum strategy in these forums?

This would have gotten her quickly ML’d hadn’t I caught on her softs.

I’m speechless

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Well heres the thing

By saying you understand softs but continuing to talk about it, you’re in directly signaling competent scum to kill me :woman_shrugging:

What Good King would do that

Even Priestess understood because Ive done this before

Killing marg tonight

Sigh, you and Priestess are the ones who keep on droning on this shit. I’ll guard you tonight, got it?

I really can’t believe anymore this is not intentional EK.

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K cool

And i say no u to that

Have you tried not acting scummy as hell and then OMGUS just because a PR was outed for your bad play?

Priestess is g o o d

I’m playing bad… alright … /smh

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