[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

I didn’t fucking use GT, you imbecile.

Oof I didn’t know this side from Alice

Yeah, dealing with idiocy like this makes me absolutely furious. So pardon my language.

Point is. The purpose of BD is not to become King but to hunt down members of the evil faction. Magnus right now isn’t doing this and wants to lynch me without caring about my alignment so he can become King just for the lulz. If he’s doing this as BD then he’s outright game-throwing.

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They don’t conflict. I said wants to not uses

If you’re talking about Marg, that was an empty threat. She lurks a lot as scum so I was extremely suspicious of her because of Priestess’ associations with her.

Oh. That was my primary reason for being sus of you.

You. Were. Voting. Me. Since. Before. I. Threatened. To. GT. Marg.

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I love fake quoting, especially raging queens.

Here. Before I even posted anything the second day.

I didn’t do it first. Grand Trial baz, not me!

The difference here is that you had an intent to lynch while Baz did not.

Ah whatever, grandtrial me… /smh

Rn I’m kind of fine with you because of Marg, so you’re a meh lynch for today.

Yeah, it wasn’t just me. :innocent: I’m an angel. Don’t hurt me :smiling_imp: :crown:

…does Magnus always post like this when he’s accused?

I’m starting to read him as a Fool.

I’m trying to play Fool but It’s falling :man_shrugging:

Also I do, but not to such a degree.

…I have no idea whether to make heads or tails from this.

I’m tempted to break Magnus’ third law.

Third Law - Don’t Speak German at me.

Don’t do it.