[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

We still have plenty of time,don’t lock a Lynch with time and let people push lynches


Last match evils won because they managed to get BD to quickhammer.


Yeah like I have something I noticed that once Im out of work I’m gonna wanna push if it brings up any results

Oh yeah no I agree. Alice should honestly unvote so we can get more confirmed Towners.

And like my votes on in spirit, only cause more time is way better than less

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What if several BD want to hide from Abyssians? The real Therapist for instance?

It doesn’t really work like that. Since Magnus is pretty much outed right now then the Abyssians are all going to bus him hard.

But quickhammering is also not good for town :eyes:

So, on my scumlist are rn the EK, Bazinga (unless he has a really good explanation for his deeds) and Magnus. And probably one of the Lurker (Kai and Soulshade, Kai is quite suspect for me since he was posting a lot while contributing nothing). I’m not sure if Isaac is really an Alch, but he’s almost certainly neutral, so not one of our main targets.

You still have your vote on Magnus while he has quite a lot of votes, we know how risky that can be for a quickhammer.

He’s at L-3. There’s no need to hurry this.

Ok to be fair, Soulshade is not posting much when he’s evil, so it could be him over Kai.

You mean L-2.

If Soul is evil, then he can only be either a scum-aligned neut or a Dreamer.

Still I want to hear at least something from him before we lynch.

I don’t think we’d get anything, but I’ll wait before hammering.

After his clusterfuck earlier on I doubt that he’d do anything to convince us otherwise and he knows he’s dead so he will minimize his own spew.

Well we appreciate the former.

A Therapist shouldn’t be afraid to be redirected onto themselves. A Devout could end up dead and a Dreamer can waste a night being redirected to themselves, though.

Yes, exactly.

At least the Wazza/Hjasik part is confirmed on several ways.

are you though?