[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!



He’s laying the snare trap, watch your feet!

damn i was coverted into the nameless

The Nameless

Abyss Special
Terrifying Presence (Passive) - While you are alive, the amount of Terror Fragments that The Devout gains are all doubled.
Sanguine Fear (Day) - Target a player. If they are afraid, they will begin to bleed and die in two nights. - 2 uses.
Probe Emotion (Day) - Learn if a player is afraid. - Infinite uses, can be used twice per day.
Terror (Night) - Cause a player to become afraid. - Infinite uses
Visions of the Deep (Night) - If all living non-abyss players are afraid, you will change the King into an Eldritch King. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Converted from The Hunter and The Priest.

Hmm… in short, if all players end up feared and they have converted a Hunter or a Priest then I can be converted as well. I’ll probably save my SF earlier on in the event that a Hunter or a Priest outs themselves. Thoughts?

no u /vote alice

Are you really an Alch?

hello king alice can you hard carry us to w

no youre a alch

so what if im alch or not

Because if you’re fake-claiming again and two other neuts flip then you may end up getting lynched for this.

Retract your claim now if you’re not an Alchemist.

lol nah

its d1 lmao

i’d drop it, issac is well. issac


Yeah, it’s just that if he’s fake-claiming and two other neutrals end up flipping then we can end up with a mislynch if he’s a BD fake claiming for no reason.

i think we should approach it from that mind set then. if we know this it can’t really fuck us as hard


im alch and blue dragon

and the dreamer

…and this is why you keep getting mis-vig’d…

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