[SFoL] SFoL 47 - GAME END - End of a Nightmare - BD & Fool win!

also what were Frosts softs I missed them?

I think I just got removed from Dead Chat.

I’m only in this realm now!

If Priestess dies, Dat die already.

how do you not know what i am yet

Oof did you mess up?

I insulted Baz’s bedtime.

why her

How could you o.O

I said:
“Weren’t you going to sleep?”
and I was removed;(

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Buzzwords “checked”. I gotta look back at his ISO

I didn’t mean it as an insult;(;(

please forgive my sins

I shall grant you absolution, if your intentions are honorable.

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Baz was bullying you calling you scum;(

Well, I did accuse Bazinga yesterday, I wrote a read on him and he just ignored me ^^

my actions are still honorable though right;(

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if this gets 7 likes ill out myself

can you go a little in depth on your scumreads?

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I’ll take that like as a yes.

You’re forgiven.

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Can you just out yourself?

also yay.