[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

I wanted to, but then I was sure alice just made a minor moderror in letting him in the deathchat; then I was sure htm didn’t say it so explicit; then I just didn’t want to endanger my fake claim. I can’t really imagine that someone would fake claim Saint, especially with the knowledge that there’s a Priestess.

Im like 90% sure they are town, very low chance of being NK

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Just wait for htm to confirm or deconfirm. I’m not inventing this.

Uh huh

“Mod error”


turns crank

Time to start the tunnel engines people.

Has HC’d then went back on their claim when they’ve been working with Emperor

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Oh if you’re town Htm is confirmed scum. If you’re scum Htm = Htm alignment confirmed tomorrow

So I am a okay with tunneling you into paste

I hate how my messages are being delayed

I’ll better ask in my class card if I am making a mistake here and he wouldn’t be removed from deathchat >.>

Uh huh…

Sure /sarcasm

What’s the next lie from Priestess? No wait! I am the moderator.

You’re not.

That was sarcastically what you’d say next. You need tone for that.

I am not claiming moderator ffs.

Hey Marg Priestess what do you make of her?

Come on, lynch me. You’re funny.

This will not work, I am not starting cultseen :eyes:

So you were converted?

Who would convert a neut claim?
No I’m not.

So you’re neut traitor then. Cool.

Hey, if I’m neut what would be the new in this match?

“The new”?

Context required.

And I don’t trust a single claim that comes from your keyboard/phone.