[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

it’s my turn now. I held my promises.
/vote Priestess


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Priestess was lynched! Flip incoming.

Despite her repeated cries for mercy, the court has decided that Priestess should be sent to the gallows for her crime of conspiracy against the Hand of Byzantium.

Priestess was…

Priestess' Flip

The Sentinel

Hand of Byzantium Offensive
Alertness (Day) - Grants immunity to occupation and to target changing the coming night. - 3 uses
Detainment (Night) - Silently removes all of the passives and night immunity from your target. The Detainment will also last until the end of the next night except when it comes to removing Royal Blood, which lasts two days. - Infinite uses
Curfew (Night) - Occupies your target if they attempts to attack or convert a player. - 2 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

We found the following logs on her.

Priestess the Sentinel
n1. Detainment htm
d2. Alertness + getting lynched ;D

I’m the one, I’m the one that you’re after
I will be your misery
I’m the one, I’m the sweetest disaster
You’ll take the fall, I’ll take the blame

Night 2 has begun and will end in 24 hours. Send in your night actions by then.


This topic was automatically opened after 23 hours.

As the third day dawns, two bodies were found on the steps of the great palace. Geyde and PoisonedSquid were both found dead this morning.

PoisonedSquid was…

PoisonedSquid's Flip

The Arbiter :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Investigative
Inside Knowledge (Passive) - At the start of the game you will know if the informed minority is the Unseen or the Cult.
Entrust (Day) - Selects a player during the day. They will be immune to conversions for the remainder of the game and will share a neighborhood with you. - One use
Sagacious Judgment (Night) - Checks if your target is a member of the Unseen or the Cult. - Infinite uses
Imperial Judgment (Night) - Kills a player if they are a member of the Unseen or the Cult. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

We found the following longs on her.

PoisonedArbeiter… Oh great, another class that I hope I don’t soft… I probably did it already
Night 1: Sagacious Judgment htm - Not suspicious
Day 2: Entrust htm - Seems I was prevented
Night 2: Sagacious Judgment Possessed (I was in Imperial Chat at this time) -

Geyde was…

Geyde's Flip

The Forest Witch

Unseen Offensive
Isolation (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Nightshade Curse (Day) - Selects a player and for the next two nights they will not be able to be healed. - 2 uses
Wall of Roots (Day) - Causes all visits on the target to be prevented the following night. - 1 use
Curse of Lethargy (Night) - You will occupy a player for tonight. - Infinite uses
Curse of Sloth (Night) - You will occupy two players for tonight. - One use
Defeat the Hand of Byzantium and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

We found the following logs on him.


Math is Doppleganger.

If Math is seeing these logs, I’m very unsurprised you killed me instead of anyone else on the wagon. It wasn’t in your best interests though lul.

Death was completely expected.

@Emilia has been resurrected!

The third day will begin right now and will end in 48 hours or until a player is executed.

Majority is 7.

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@Htm why didnt ur heal on Squid work?

already atted HTM
Baz- this ones for being king
days started

Someone occupied me?

I have no clue

Also possessed is unseen

How would he know this, none of his abilities point to this



Arbiter told me

imperial chat? or dead chat

Dead chat


He is just calling me out for having a moon theory about him being the convert yesterday. Whoever shot him good shot.

Shoulda waited and saw what Possessed did so we get slips.