You won’t get that info.
he doesnt baz is evil
tell me
or bad things happen
You sure Baz is evil? He could be.
He could also NOT be. The safer occupy is a proven HoB.
I dont see this leap
Geyde had an abil that prevented healing from having an effect, this is what he used on Squid d2, so poss could kill her tonight
er last night
It’s like you dont listen, I’m working with town because I presume Baz is evil, if hes not hes gonna need to work on that because he made it very apparent he was evil
Either way, the important part is that we get convert protection across Hjasik, myself and fireslol whilst Marg watches on merc tonight
So Datbirb, you need to WIFOM who you barricade today. That is, don’t out it.
wait did you get confirmed earlier I missed that part
no, but if you’ve been paying attention to my softs you should realise if I am what I claim to be i’m a pretty darn good convert
This translates to: I’m working with town now but I secretly realize unseen is a sinking ship and I now need to rely heavily on the NK to carry me.
He’s getting VERY defensive. Be prepared for big kills tonight when an important figure gets demolished.
Lol do u think I’m nk
I mean you could be, but I’m going on the assumption that you are insurgent. And if you are, your team is going down fast.
Its a bad time to see “See HoB lose at any cost” as your wincon.
Yeah it is to bad that’s not it
I think MM shoud be here merc/math/marg/solic
How about Maxwell?