mM can change their type here that what I thought your info was before
Yes, but MM can change his class type to be whatever he desires, an offensive claiming MM is quite possible
And told you to read MM classcard
Yeah, I don’t think an offensive MM is likely, but it’s possible
Chica it’s 01:30 here ffs I am sleepy
My info was not outing Marcus to protect him. I didn’t want to say as it wasn’t my role to out and if i was wrong it would be worse.
I also don’t think I was supposed to get possessed to lolcat so fast
This post is more than enough wine though imo
So blue is MM gg
Down for that now that I am not derping a shit ton.
I thought you softed watchman who tracked geyde to blue
You’ll have to teach me how to soft claim post game I think, It was best for me to out there imo
Me? or Mathblade?
Nope my softs are something else. Not that.
Why do people always think I soft something I am not? It gets old lol
I think so too lol
Because first I thought you cleared blue based on Marcus claim and I asked you to reread MM classcard and you didn’t change your info
hjasik, do you understand how important it is that I don’t get converted tonight?