[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

That’s what the Patron Saint Augustine was for.

Patron Saint of the Episo Church

D2 was Squid N2 Squid

I was all in for Squid since they were outed they’d be healed and have all their juice

And that’s short hand for espicopal don’t ask me how the hell its spelled



If you wanted to be confirmed from giving her an extra use of entrust you’d ask her to try and entrust again, or does it only restock night abilities? I’ll ask alice

My abilities don’t work on the dead?

Squid was alive d2 was she not? She said somewhere she tried to entrust someone and failed I think, and then if you used funds and she got a silent additional use, you have to just say

“Hey squid, try entrust someone again”
“okay, I tried it with htm or whoever”
“Oh hey! Im in a hood with them” ez confirmed

I didn’t get a chance to get her to confirm
She was dead the next day.

but it would’ve worked d2

I buffed her D2/N2

She died N2

Did I mention I was an idiot?

But this would’ve worked immediately, right?

I think I already established that.

Should have but yes I was an idiot.

So, you just ask her to entrust d2 if you want to be confirmed right?
You wouldn’t oversight that imo

Well I did.


No I mean I oversighted that. The game was going so fast I just messed up.

I call bs

/vote Mathblade I fail to see how you could miss a chance to confirm yourself in like the simplest way possible

There is no way possible I am mastermind from your pov. Back off your vote.