[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

If you were though who would you kill

Town or unseen

Baz, if you are HoB you need to invite me to chat tonight or we are never going to get MM tonight.

It would depend on who was majority on my wagon.

And how would you know that?

There is no way you know everyone’s exact class and that there is a traitor.

Basically impossible imo.

Scum needs to concede if mathblade lynch goes off it’s obvious mastermind is solic and then it’s a lone assassin. We can waste time lynching datbird to make extra sure town wins too…

You’re assuming that I don’t know. Keep in mind as occultist I get information too based on how much my corruption rating goes up.

I dont want to keep checking this thread and waiting 24 hours for nights

I am 100% certain I know what’s what. I just am not sharing.

mathblade please tell alice you concede and if unseen does the same then we go on with our lives

I will not concede until and unless I am lynched.

Unseen is strong atm.

If you did then you would have realized my plan.

“I will not concede until conceding is no longer an option since I am dead” ok

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Oh I know your plan. I am two steps ahead.

It’s quite simple whichever side has majority on my lynch loses so I don’t get lynched.

It’s a game of chicken. Scum/town can choose to flex or not, whoever pulls the trigger more dies

Still not sure if mathblade is doppel or not xDDDDD

Well… My plan is impossible to prevent so it’s impossible to be prepared for it.

Must be thinking of another potential plan that can be prevented.

Math being doppel will make this game interesting at least so im down to let it happen

It’s a Boolean choice

If I am lynched then I know who is majority my logs reflect it
If I am NK’d by Bazinga my logs reflect it and if I suspect it I kill accordingly.

So it’s really in Bazinga’s court if he plays ball

Wait a second, how can Math kill anyone as Doppel if lynched?