[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

Unseen got majority And lynched prince

That’s what I mean

But why did the Prince got lynched in the first place?

That’s not what I meant


Because they fpsd hunter

Priestess Prince fake claiming Hunter, gets voted up, EK is totally owerpowered and had 4 (!) votes, so that Prince can’t tell the truth.

Decide Fate existed still in some form.

They werent decide fated

Damn, I memed hard in Infection II

Prince FPSes since King has ridiculous voting power. King still quickhammers alongside openwolfer.

Non-town had majority on d4

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Not directly claiming and combination of EK doublevote+lolcatting wolf

/in now we down to four

Also @Emilia, I’m considering allowing you to join bypassing the WotM on the condition that you don’t spam the thread with pics/emojis or game throw. Do you agree not to pull the same shit that you’ve been doing lately in this match?

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/in now we down to three

/in now 2

It’s almost like making a quadvoter is a horrifying idea

And in the last match, and in the last one?

Too fast 4 u

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