[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

Scum post, enjoy my shackles worm

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God you guys are disgusting.


Order Execute me tonight.

That one is reserved for checks notes margaret

Blue is not null for me anymore. :thinking:

I think he only reacted a single time to htms play, and it was this one. I think he’s deliberately evading him. Also very very tunnel-minded.

Lots and lots of people are saying htm is scum, did I miss something?

Do you know how to ISO htm?

What’s an ISO?

Are you on phone or on computer?


Click on the pfp, then here. It will show you all posts of someone in this specific thread. grafik

ISO is the sum of all posts of a single player, isolated from what the others said.

Please stop posting screenshots I would like to pretend english is the only language that exists (like it should be)

Stop me if you can.

/grand trial priestess

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You can allow D1 lunch

Will not post until about 15 hours has passed. Good night everyone.

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This reads a bit Scum to me if were under the assumption that Priestess is a killing neut. Why would a town killing neut be good? Its not facts what type of neut she is, but the idea she would be pro-town isn’t set in stone yet.

Where does he assume that priestess is a killing neut