[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

Maxwell is doing the classic inexperienced scum stall for time and never post strategy

Mathblade is either in another logic loop error spiral or is genuinely part of scum and trying to railroad us away from his teammates

You still haven’t given us an answer as to why you said Hjjasik fake claimed Priestess.

Let it drop for now?

Also brb gotta go brush teeth.

I am heading to bed. Productive day so far me thinks.

Yeah… so much to think about. And quite some people we need to get to talk, still.

Ok just re-read solic’s iso and I think he’s town now, so we’re actually looking at maxwell/geyde +1 (maybe mathblade)

Solic town told pretty hard by actively looking for TOWN BLOCs and clearing people, I’d think he wouldnt be doing that as scum. This sort of clears mathblade too IMO as much as I’d hate to admit it since why wouldnt mathblade just humor me and vote solic? Maybe they just didnt want toget baited into sheeping me and looking suspicious

/unlynch solic
/lynch maxwell

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I realize now that I look extremely suspicious due to the consistent lurking.
I regret having been inactive. The past few days were the end of my semester and I was extremely busy.
I neglected to act night 1 because I wasn’t able to access this site during the night phase.

As I said, I plan to do some in-depth ISO’ing later today since i’ve missed over 2k posts.


I’d like to hear more from Margaret, Squid, Maxwell, Datbird and BlueStrom.

We have a gazillion main suspects.
You vote a lurker.

Nvmd you justified yourself

Stop making you more of a target than you already are

Why are you calling him out for this?

3 NKs can’t kill N1 btw

He was a medium
Now he is a medium and a doctor.
If this isn’t neon signaling to kill him idk what is

He’s confirmed Byzantium, so w/e

It is not “u scum lmao”
It is “protect yourself ffs”

So do you have scumreads too or do you wanna just talk to Byzantium.

Tell us.