[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

If they outted that in Imperial chat, what are the odds they were converted?

Unlikely. They’d have not contradicted Priestess.

Especially if Priestess flips scum.

Pretty low IMO if you saw what happened last game fireslol convert fucked them over

Small due to meta imo

Thanks for reminding me >.>

Still…that’s a powerful convert option.

The contradiction is what outed Priestess so unlikely they are same team.

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Unlikely to likely depending on claim.

Priestess had bad experiences with converting Fireslol last time

It wasn’t me. I didn’t convert Fireslol.

@fireslol I’m sorry, EK outted you >.> wasn’t my fault

I doubt they started the same, so if it’s anything…it’s a convert. I would have thought a Priestess kill would have been a good kill for unseen and a sure fire one if they claimed in Imperial chat.

Hi Solic (I’m just fpsing here, ignore what I say)

Or better, don’t ignore it, since you were the one who converted me… right Solic?

Yes the whole act scummy FPS one of my favorites

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Agreed. Hence what started my thought process it is weird.

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What? You’re saying that townies typically post without confidence? It’s like the polar opposite.

She might just be sorting people, I’d expect more of a push than this when Priestess has like 100+ posts or so at least before this.

Oof I think I broke Solic.exe here

You can’t save me Solic, they will lynch me.
I’m Sentinel, and there is 100% no reason to, but hey… lets lynch me because I claimed neut first.

Priestess.exe is broken into repetitive misrep