[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

Sounds good /vote Priestess

Mainly the only thing it would prove is that one of the following
She tracked you to a person who didn’t die

That could mean is in cahoots with scum who can track. Or she is scum who can track.

Or you are NK who doesn’t kill

Like tons of possibilities here. I kinda wanna think overnight on this.

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Is this because ur out of likes lol


Doesn’t apply on day 2.

If Priestess is scum, then Bird is probably not on the same team.

There are no NKs who can visit two players.

?? Confused but don’t elaborate. Just let this go until I can think overnight

I already did

Yeah clearly

Just a last time, for the good measure.
I am a confirmable class, I can remove passives.
So. I’m done. Lynch me, reeeee.

Then why lie about Geyde?

Derp you silly butt I was giving you cover to not make you a kill target if scum thought they could mislynch you

Trying to get a missexe on a actual scum instead of me.

Wait til he learns I’m neut lol

I was pretty much always a kill target by merit of being Geyde

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Shhhhh ;D

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Fair enough. Less of a kill/ convert target