I doubt they would actually convert a bleeding person though
Regardless of if you get converted or not, you can get a confirmed heal from Solic
@Emilia please don’t heal HTM tonight or tomorrow, k thx
RB you got it
I’ll prevent visits to you tonight
but but
You have to.
but what, I just want the RNG goddess to help me smite some unseen
And what are your logs?
I will give you /pats if you gib logs
/vote Marg
Votes me
Ha ha ha ha ha
Oh thats funny
but but plz help us
H e r e s
T h e
T h i n g
R e f u s e
B u t I r e f u s e y o u r R e f u s a l
Hi blue
Can I just say I’m sorry for not being on today, I’ve been incredibly busy with work and watching my uni mates’ final performance. I’m at ‘spoons with them atm so probably won’t be able to talk now either.
If someone can give me a rundown on what’s what, I would be grateful.