No, the toxic Reaper must remain.
Im warrior, blue claims whatever roleblocker is called here
Brb converting solic into a loss tonight
Blue claims a class that can occupy. We have an outed Assassin and an outed NK and we’re hanging the Assassin. This is ludicrous.
/vote Astand
So I feel like RBing tonight, with new changes in information since I last acted, anyone want a RB on a certain someone or a block visits
N o
Put your little vote back onto Possessed
Wait how is math arbiter claim, arbiter is dead?
Shhh no one knows that
So we actually have confirmed scum
Geyde said Math is NK at the start of the day though
B e c a u s e
D a y
M u s t
E n d
Why is Math Nk again?
Even more reason to clear this up sooner rather than later, but Math is not also in a thunderdome with Blue.
Well nk is not me.
But I believe in coincidence
/vote astand
Also who claimed first Blue or Astand
Astand did.
T h i s
I s
W h y
I w a n t
D a y
G o n e
Longg day
When was the last time I actually posted my logs in my classcard