[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

Here I suggest Htm being converted. They listened

Interesting how Htm “forgot” this.

Cmon people due diligence here.

There is no way Hjasik Squid and Priestess ever suggest lynching DatBird DatBird of all people

Solic remember to wifom your heal. You have two nights to hit Astand

Fireslol Bind Astand or wifom it. You may need Astand’s kill. Especially if Bazinga uses piercing. You may need to wifom it in case they kill another person.

Second time I tell scum to convert Htm

And why the hell did everyone just stop pressuring Htm on his entire lack of action? Like cmon. He should have townfirmed someone or scumfirmed the MM.

It was so damn hard to be neutral and NOT say anything. Like cmon scum.

Clearly Htm forgets who he already caught. Ha.

For the love of townieness please do better next game town and don’t let mm spew all over thread a billion fake claims.

@MathBlade Please stop talking after someone gets hammered. I didn’t want to have to resort to this, but I had no choice.
@Alice Hammer has been reached. Please flip Math when you are able to do so.


MathBlade was accused of being behind the deceased Surgeon’s murder and he was immediately sent to the gallows.

MathBlade was…

MathBlade's flip

The Occultist :shield:

Neutral Killer
Corrupting Energy (Passive) - Any player that visits you will be corrupted. For each player that is alive and corrupted, your Corruption Rating increases by 2% per night and caps at 100%. You will known your corruption rating at the start of each night and your gains at the end of it.
Shield of Corruption (Passive) - Provides you with defensive bonuses depending on your Corruption Rating.

  • 5%+: You will be immune to death at night.
  • 15%+: You will be immune to occupation and target changing.
  • 25%+: You will be immune to Bleeding.
  • 65%+: You will automatically kill all incoming attackers.
  • 90%+: You will be immune to attacks bypassing death immunity.

Mental Corruption (Day) - If the target uses an ability the coming night, they will receive incorrect feedback. Only usable if your Corruption Rating is at 40% or higher. Able to use it against two players at once if your Corruption Rating is at 75% or higher. Gains an additional charge per 30% corruption. - 1 use
Dreadful Omen (Day) - Skips the day and goes straight into the night. Can only be used when the Occultist’s Corruption Rating is at 90% or higher. - One use
Burst of Corruption (Night) - Only usable your Corruption Rating is at 5% rating or higher. Kills a player. Gains the following bonuses depending on your Corruption Rating: -

  • 20%+: The first attack does not count as a visit.
  • 35%+: The first attack bypasses night immunity and healing.
  • 55%+: The Occultist is able to select a second target.
  • 65%+: The second attack does not count as a visit.
  • 70%+: The second attack bypasses night immunity and healing.
  • 75%+: The first attack kills all players who visits the first target.
  • 85%+: The second attack kills all players who visit the second target.
  • Infinite uses

Beacon of Corruption (Night) - Increases your Corruption Rating by 5% and causes Corrupting Energy to trigger against anyone visiting the your target along with the target themselves. Allows selecting two targets if your Corruption Rating is at 50% or higher. - Infinite uses

Your objective is to defeat the Hand of Byzantium, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

We found the following logs on him.

**If 2/3rds of Htm, Bazinga , and Merc on my wagon or it happens without majority logs are below **

I debated not outing you guys but you kept goading me.
Htm real claimed assassin. He never proved he could talk with dead chat. He left off what he did that night because he is scum. Anyone find it odd Squid never talked and dead chat said stupid shit? That was Htm flail.

MM is Merc. She slipped day two and when Possessed was having issues I made a hint to scum to convert Htm. They took it.

I scumsided and took out confTown healer. Htm was perfect floater.

Bazinga is obv EK for outing floater.

Marcus is the only one I waffle on. Gun to my head he’s traitor who saw the signs of me being NK early after logs from Geyde flipped and came up with plan to get lynched and didn’t expect me to be NK. However it’s still possible Marcus is town but some of his posts are traitor claims on other sites.

Everyone else is confirmed town.

Here’s your night actions:
DatBird block Htm.
Astand kill Merc.
Solic wifom your heal.
Marcus if you’re town do whatever.
Bluestorm occupy Merc or Bazinga.
Fireslol save who you can.

Good luck! And Alice is the best gf ever! <3

If the above doesn’t apply then use the below as logs

Good luck scum or town! I couldn’t bear to ruin the game.

Alice is the best gf ever. <3

Night 4 has begun and it will end in 24 hours. Please send in your night actions by then.


This topic was automatically opened after 25 hours.

The fifth day dawns, but without two members of the court. HTM and Astand were both killed last night.

HTM was…

HTM's Flip

The Saint :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Social
Intercession (Passive) - You may speak with the dead during both night and day.
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to two classes with Prestige can spawn the entire game.
Rapture (Day) - Will allow you to speak and vote even while dead. Can only be used after you’ve died. - One use
Mercy (Night) - Selects a dead Hand of Byzantium-aligned player and forces them to use their primary night action on a living one. Cannot be used on Killer classes. - Infinite uses
Spiritual Merge (Night) - Binds a dead player to you, allowing them to speak while dead for as long as you are alive. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

We found the following logs on him.

Logs - Saint

N1: Nothing.
N2: Healing Squiddo using mercy
N3: Nothingo
N4: Detainment on Blue using Mercy.

Astand was…

Astand's Flip

The Warrior

Hand of Byzantium Killer
Combat Ready (Passive) - If you are attacked during the first two nights, you will be immune and will counterattack instead of dying.
Bloodlust (Passive) - For every successful kill, you will gain an additional night of Combat Ready.
Raging Axes (Night) - Attacks and kills a player. If the target was Hand of Byzantium-aligned, then you will lose his night abilities and they will be shown as Unseen or Cult to faction checks. - Infinite uses
Taunt (Night) - Redirects the target’s night action to the yourself. Redirects past the second night will trigger Combat Ready. - One use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

We found the following logs on him.

Astand “Doomed slot” the Warrior
N1 - no action
N2 - Raging Axes Geyde
N3 - Taunt MathBlade
N4 - Raging Axes Bluestorm

Was in imperial chat with Baz, HTM and Blue, plan was: I attack Blue, Blue occs me, and HTM removes Blue’s immunities.
If Blue is alive, he is proven town. If he is MM or assassin, he dies.

Reasons for suspecting Blue:

  1. Geyde died N2 when Blue claimed occ on me.
  2. Margaret died when performing Deus Vult while Blue claimed to occ her. Nothing else could have killed Marg, since Math killed hjasik, and there was no assassin.

The fifth day will begin right now and will end in 48 hours or until a player is executed.

Majority is 4.

So blues town I guess

day started

We’ve to be even more careful now.

Main suspects are Merc according to Math, and Solic according to Baz.

I’m more than a little surprised that Solic wasn’t on either Astand or HTM.

@Solic @Mercenary explain your night actions.

Also @Htm you know what to do.