[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

I am not accepting of this strawman

Wait shit.
We fucked up somewhere

Just use werewolf theme ez clap

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You mentioned being a neut earlier. I’m just wondering if you softed which kind of neut.

Maybe. /shrug

Ok I think dat is town

Because there is no butler

I was mocking the idea that micro reading a player for terminology makes sense.

Yeah you’re gonna have to connect the dots of that bridge. I failed social architecture 101.

Just finished up an APUSH AP test yesterday so mind is on cold war stuffs

Not useful in discussions: Bazinga, Hjasik, Geyde.
Hjasik is the only town of them.

So assuming Priestess is who I think they are, I think it’s worth keeping them alive. They’re not terrible to have in this situation.

I’m really starting to get annoyed by how Priestess just isn’t explaining why they SR me yet will continually state their points with very little content behind them.

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Why do you think Geyde is scum?

Well not necessarily worth keeping them alive, but rather not worth killing them

Come on, Geyde, read me as scum. Show us why you read me as scum.

Shadethrowing someone for shadethrowing

Seems legit

Problem is I don’t read you as scum.
I’d TR you if you weren’t neut.

The fact that you aren’t putting anything on the table for no perceivable reason is extremely frustrating to me. Are you trying to bait a reaction from me?
It’s not helping anyone, so stop it.

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Fair enough. Let’s go on.

Priestess is a neut?