[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

I think you just don’t want to die

I’m not that kind of d1 neut claim


Now go assume any logical case that could happen and go from there.

If town X is Y. Then is X doing Y things?
What associatives can you draw from each case?

Waiting until the right time for outing things is ideal.

I think Marcus has showed that he only pushes on me because he despises neutrals who claims on d1. Let’s ignore that for now.

I think there’s some merit to this. However I think unless handled correctly the merit is lost. I am being very vague in case I am right or wrong.

I hate that you made me check this, but Hja didn’t write a single log in last FoL.

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She didn’t?


Like fuck my old forgoes brain. Possibilities go up then.

Hjasik always write your logs please.

Where did I say that was my reasoning? I said i think you were headhunter, an anti town neutral and you haven’t given me a reason to think you aren’t

Even a real headhunter would lie

I mean it’s possible, it’s just not the likely scenario.

You’re wasting time. You haven’t even read what I wrote on d1 if you still think I am Headhunter.

/accuse margaret

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And excluding possibilities now is bad I agree.

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Maybe I’m on mobile and that would take too much effort :^)

I believe you are Byzantium.

The effort is worth it though.

I believe your wincon isn’t necessarily to defeat the scum

the only 2 players I believe would kill hjasik are geyde and margaret

Oh look who’s here! Hello Geyde!