[SFoL] SFoL 48: Hand of Byzantium II - (3/16) - Completed - The Unseen, the Necromancer, and the Insurgent Win!

What do you mean by fireslol potentially lying?
How do you get to that

That’s not great

I don’t see why I would lie.

This isn’t the greatest defense ngl…

(pls don’t claim)

Priestess fakeclaims neut here because it’s in meta for them.
They aren’t going to get burned if invests prove otherwise.
It justifies wasting time on king, who we already started out knowing was pretty scummy. If Baz flips EK then Priestess goes deep if scum.

Do we know anything about Possessed?

Oh Hjjasik knows my class, and that’s enough.

I feel like Possessed hasn’t been contributing that much.

Inelastic metas are so things to PoE and optimal FM play in general.

If you think Priestess is scum, why aren’t you voting her with me?

Because Priestess scum with Solic. Already answered this question.

They got TR’d early and their presence dropped off the map?

Possible convert

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Good, just got back from celebrating my birthday with my mom


Are you a killer?

  1. Priestess said Hjasik claimed the Priestess class. Fact.
  2. Fireslol said Hjasik did not claim.

Both cannot be true.

Ey congratulations.

No, I’m not -_-
Anyway, if anyone votes you, I’m gonna poke them with a stick for many reasons including the ones I won’t mention

Thank you :smiley:

Player error means that both are telling their own truth

So who made the error?
