[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

nice rhymes

Softclaiming a confirmable class but not actually softing the class I am to avoid town lynching a town? Yes.


AND thus you lied

You can’t jusf say I soft claimed but I actually didn’t

Check me

Check me


Its not rocket science!

avoiding a lynch at 3 votes when its plurality, theres 29 people, and there were like 65+ hours left. Yup

Hey the way FK has you guys led I’m sure itd pick up fast :stuck_out_tongue:


when you die

and flip scum

I’m going to make sure to take my dog out near your grave stone each day

Bottom line is that I got mechanics on my side. :upside_down_face:

And if I get lynched despite mechanics, well…maybe I’m not the one with the issues.

You can’t get mislgnched when you are dead and scum

That’s a bit harsh no?

I think you saved me from being converted so…thank you but I won’t be flipping scum haha

I think it is but I have an irrational hatred of him right now and idk why

it’s nothing personal

I’ll get over it after the game

He has an irrational hatred because he read my posts wrong. Its ok, nothing wrong with that my friend. No need to be upset!

I didn’t read your posts wrong

You are ignoring the fact that it keeps saying that you DIDNT SOFT

yet you said you did

stop saying I can’t read and admit you screwed up

So Imma be getting off soon, Possessed can I get you opinions on Priestess and HTM?

Your only defense is I’m grasping straws when it’s clear you said that

In all honesty, I think this was your plan all along…get me checked to be townfirmed but make it seem like I’m scum so I don’t get targetted at night.

Am I right?