[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

best use


Arbiter is checking you with a bullet or we lynch you. This is what you said yourself. I cannot believe you are trying to weasel out of this.

Stop pushing on Possessed


This means Arbiter shouldn’t entrust day 1 btw, but wait until tomorrow where they will definitely not waste it.


Why are you just randomly voting someone who is not in the game anymore?

I did. I was literally talking when you vigged me. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Okay heading to work now.

Morning, everybody.

Good morning.

I’ve skimmed the thread, and for some reason Solic intruiges me, so I’ll read him before getting onto the topic at hand, namely “We all lose the D1 claim/soft-based drinking game!”

Okay, so brief @Solic macroread: So far, I’ve seen a lot of Solic doing his usual village tells; not as many actual reads, but rather analysing the game from the perspective of mechanics and other people’s opinions and then extrapolating his own opinions based on that, a style I personally disagree with because it’s highly susceptible to powerwolfing.

I don’t think Solic would use that kind of style as a wolf, imo. Solic has been read by me as wolf (incorrectly, sure) for shadethrowing, and I don’t think that Solic would go into an easy-to-read-as-wolf style as wolf unless for WIFOM purposes. Personally, I’m going to make a call here and say that wolf!Solic dosen’t have the guts to use a style that creates villagereads through WIFOM, and would instead be playing as a simulacrum of a “typical villager” right now.

Pretty solid village lean on Solic.

In other news, there is definitely SOMETHING wrong with this whole situtation, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. I think it’s pretty clear that htm is flailing, but the thread movement around the gladiate indicates that the other wolves are moving around Firekitten to ensure that htm (somebody who they’re almost certainly sure to be the other wolfteam) gets lynched, so the wolf presence might be what’s making me read the interaction as off, but I’m not sure.


no brain Litten probably isn’t a wolf, dispel that from your mind


This is a gif of icibalus rn :^)

Icibalus if you could undo this whole gladiate situation, but at the cost of you gladiating someone who would it be?

I’m going to go and say Possessed, actually. I think that he’s still 100% on the table now that we know he isn’t actually Arbiter, and I don’t think we can be naive and say that he’s village for FPSing like that; fakeclaiming Arbiter is the first thing EVERY wolf would think of when they think of the idea of FPSing in this game.

I know this because I considered FPSing as Arbiter myself (as village, obviously)

Wow, Possessed is town and you are doing this? :thinking:

I’m allowed to be wrong, but thankfully I am definitely allowed to be right.

Not necessarily, it’s multiball so softing arbiter probably just gets you NKed by the other scum

I was thinking about the whole prisoner’s dilemma about “is unseen or cult going to be the one who kills arbiter?” sort of thing though

I’m not saying that it’s a good idea, merely that it’s an idea that you would immediately think of. Besides, both Unseen and Cult have angels and BPVs in this setup iirc

bullet proof what?

Bulletproof Vests.

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