[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned


What the fuck am I supposed to do for evidence huh? Do quote the rolecard for the first post so you buy it?

It’s day fucking one Ici.

I hunt by association and reading intent. I know how FK plays and this is FK scum.

So the other team kills them. Luckily for us Possessed is not the Arbiter but I think I know who is.

So you have no actual evidence and you just EXPECT US to believe you?
I do that but on villagereads, not wolfreads.

If you “know” FK is a wolf, then you also “know” you can present evidence that proves that not only is the villagecred gladiate possible but probable.

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I’m starting to laugh.

Want some popcorn?

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Which I provided my arguments.

Arguments is literally all the evidence I can do on day one. The fact you’re looking for mechanical evidence shows me you have blinders over your heart so much that you want FK town versus knowing FK scum.

I have demonstrated the inside of FK’s mind

Pointed out his logical fallacies where he tried to get townread

And you’re all “give me evidence”

Since when is FK generally so bad at logic?

Corsair sat next to the elf and started munching down on some salted popcorn - even though machines cannot eat, it didn’t stop him from trying.

No no no no no RP not here hello D:<

Oof, guess I rolled a nat 1 on performance.

The way blue is entering this whole argument is very weird

It’s like he’s siding one side but is siding the other. For example he voted me for defending myself by using chance When that was the only defense I can do because math couldn’t provide any fucking evidence for me being a wolf and it was effectively a no u

However he keeps saying those arguments are bad sometimes when he responds to math. It kind of feels like he doesn’t have an agenda and he’s just trying to figure out what’s happening

probably village

Next person to post is conf scum

Hi, I’m now confirmed scum

/vote shurian

Tunnel vision activated

For example:

He really tried waiting.

This is bullshit.

Htm was a top wagon it was a few hours into day.

Kitten did not try waiting. This was an intentional plan.

Hah but firekitten blocks the vote! You can’t do anythingg >:D

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how many cookies do I need to give you to Vote Htm

My tunnel bypasses gladiate

  1. You seriously think FK is a logical player? He’s good and accurate, BUT he’s fucking terrible at providing arguments, and they’re always ridden with fallacies.
  2. When I talk about evidence, I mean you need to make something that when analysed reveals absolutely that he was really trying to get villagecred, and the full narrative backed up fully.

I offer something else than cookies