[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

what is ita

Boo Hjasik put your vote back on Kitten.

Rushes out the door

Look, I know what would convince me of Litten being wolf, and I haven’t found it. You just need to find something that dosen’t simply say that Litten very easily could be a wolf, which is what you’ve done repeatedly so far; pointing out his fallacies over and over again dosen’t prove that he’s wolf, nor does pointing out that what he’s done has been occasionally harmful for the village.

It’s obvious that Litten could be doing what he’s doing as a wolf; i’ve even had an urge to go out and try to prove he’s wolf out of nowhere. But I can also see a very plausible narrative where Litten is a villager, which should be fairly obvious. If you can prove that narrative is impossible, then once again, I might be convinced.

@Kirefitten with respect, I don’t know how I do it either. It’s just how my mind works.

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my god


Litten makes fallacies all the time, and I don’t point them out because the conclusions are accurate. You’re trying to argue that just because his actions aren’t logical they’re irrational, which is untrue.

Fluff mode deactivate.

I’m a bastard, as I only really have memories of Math roasting me (It still burns), I can only use that to meta read. I’m actually reading as I can, but if you want, here’s what I would think of Math if I never played with him before.

A person who spouts illogical theories that have a sliver of a chance to even ever happen. And improbable educated guesses that will most likely never come to fruition.

Firekitten AtEing, saying he has championships and will be inactive for like a few days… and then suddenly refuses to die… just reeks suspicious to me. Of course, we can attribute this to not dying as good guy so that town benefits. But as I can say “you wanna live as scum” to that, so that remains in my head. My gut says some kind of scum, so I am inclined to do so. But I am trying to see his points… just the amount of fluff is reminiscent of our pre deep days D:

Now htm. I have NO IDEA what he is. I haven’t ISO’d him. Please do give me like an additional 12 hours before I give my vote because I have to sleep soon. (HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I SAID THIS, CAN SOMEONE KNOCK ME OUT OR SOMETHING)

@Htm Give your assessment of this situation. Explain in your own words. It makes or breaks your current situation.

Sorry for not being a fluffy Shu, but I just don’t have the time nowadays.
Tho, I’m loving the amount of associations I’m getting. Give me more. Just don’t drop another thousand posts… I’ll die.
Nighties. Stay Frosty~

This just fucking in

Aston Villa are back in the Premier League


Also I do still want Htm to speak, as it feels we would be running in circles otherwise

Hitler built autobahs
Hitler was evil
Therefore anyone who builds autobahs are evil

Scum want to live
I want to live
Therefore I’m scum.

It’s a fallacy to say that I’m scum because I want to live , also I actually didn’t want to live before I wanted to lynch scum then die that night but I’m not going to allow myself to be hung. the reason I’m fluffing so much is that there’s nothing else to do. I think HTM is scum and I can’t vote anyone else. We are currently just waiting for the day to end before I can do other stuff.

Maths only argument is I wouldn’t gladiate as town and that I have been doing a bunch of scum tells which he can’t point out which

I’m really impatient as a person, especially because I have adhd. That’s why I gladiated so early because I was pretty sure Htm is scum.

and this would have worked great if Htm flipped scum and then I died the next night

It’s autobahns, not autobahs. Autobahs are what robot sheep make

I eagerly await it.


You continue to not make sense.
Also why ping me?

The irl explanation


That reminds me. Can you jot down what you think I softed either on your logs or somewhere not public? I want to see if I did a good job softing but not softing.

I know it does!
I already explained why I’d be inactive D1 >_>

(Tried to reply earlier but yay for no connection)

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Hey FireKitten scum claimed PKR. I am at work but can’t quote it right now. Join me on the FireKitten wagon.

I did not scum claim stop lying to people

Here’s your proof Ici.

If FK wasn’t scum he wouldn’t care about a reaction test from me to PKR. Instead he’s more focused about shutting it down and discrediting me.