[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Guys oh no I don’t want to be miskynxhed guess I’m scum

Thats like Geyde asking to be lynched if Geyde or Geydes team did it, since at the time he was the only one pushing her. Like cmon, I dont think Geyde would do that, and if he did that was extremely stupid of him. Which makes me belive the bleed is faked.


He referenced his adhd as reasoning to him using the gladiate so early, which I don’t think FK would bullshit about.

Adhd is indeed a reason I used gladiate

if litten had said that this Gladiate was a mistake and gone on an elaborate explanation of absolutely everything he’d done up to that point as all part of some giant game of 4D chess than I’d agree, but when has Litten changed his entire perspective because it started to go wrong for him?

Bleed isn’t faked. Geyde was hoping Me v FK would give cover. Geyde is scum and they are panicking about losing FK today and Geyde tomorrow.

Darn Datbird, didn’t you even realize that I stopped to push on Geyde? My bleed is not fake o.O

Dont get me wrong, he can be very impatient

But he is someone who thinks of what he can get from his actions

Id say his action did its job tbh.

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Can you elaborate on this cover thing, has he done this before?

Blizer what do you think I have planned


except he has

His regret was that this is plurality not majority after being forced to admit that.

He is literally following his scum meta

Thats my whole reason why its fake, because if he did bleed you it would be obvious it was him. Plus you didn’t have much town pressence imo at the time that I think evils would have bled you

Plurality is annoying

Did he regret the entire “FPS” as a whole? No.

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Yes in the recent game as scum with Possessed. He did a similar panick with his bleeds. Ironically it allowed scum to win although it was a stupid bleed.

How many hairs are you gonna pick?

Hard for me to say atm, cause you are really difficult to read.

But, with the current situation, You are trying to point out the inconsistency with people pushing on you, and how they are looking at this from the wrong way.

Which Game I want to read into this more?

Game where I was NK. They panic bled Htm.