[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Oh no Marcus this is SFW forum


@Alice please can we get a VC update shortly? Cheers


Also you’re not useless as shit /pat

That’s because me and FK had a pissing match yesterday. I wouldn’t townlean on that :upside_down_face:

(Unless I get a guard from you based on your townlean…then lean on over!)

@Meteoro I know you bled me, but why :thinking:

actually it was me

Htm lynch is unimportant by this point
Because as I’ve pointed out the lynch probably won’t yield the best associatives n shit

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Was a bit busy, but the Hja ISO is coming anytime now.

Alright, NOW I have time.

You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defence?

I like turtles.

You are confirmed scum.

Our day cop found out.

Sorry, I can’t fake falling for reaction tests.


I’m gonna go ahead and roll my eyes forty times at this.

Where’s that read of yours, hm?

Coming together… (totally not being lazy as heck)

Can someone catch me up on who suspects who?

FK gladiated me cuz he scumread me.

I’m town and people think I’m scum.

Basically that^

so wtf are we supposed to do

Gladiate’s when you make only you and your target votable today right?

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