[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

But also bear in mind that applies to all of us, in terms of starting as Random Unseen.

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Well, I don’t speak in riddles every single day, but hey, I don’t want to ruin integrity to any games

then don’t say past games if it’s not a past game

Why am I still listening to this

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Why is this so awful

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If I could explain it to you, I would, but I can’t, so it’s not doing anyone any good to talk about it

I really am not sure where the scum actually are
I have a ridiculously high amount of townreads

Could be Slanking through the day, or are blending in well

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I mean you should. There are about 6/7 scum and 21/22 HoB.

Other than like just Pkr who could that be

sniff I smell deepwolves. No deep kattos though

Even so, by that logic you should run into one scum per 3-4 people you interact with

You get told this is a fallacy and continue perpetuating it. The odds of you being Unseen specific are the exact odds of anyone else. (Well except me)

Well did he say that he had a lower chance than anyone else?

Like an answer to this

Actually anyone else is 3x as likely to be unseen than kitten


Actually a lot more since Judge has to factor in prestige which HoB rolls for first.

He said 1/25. Which is just wrong on all fronts.

The odds of a random Unseen existing is 1:1.

The odds of it being FK or not is the same odds for anyone not confirmed.

Yes, everyone else is 6/27 chance of being scum purely by numbers. I’m actually the most likely slot to be scum