[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Yes he did.

That’s kind of angleshooting though, so pretend this argument doesn’t exist.

That, i did not know of

The odds for me rolling it specifically is 1/25 if you randomed it out of everyone in the list

theres 28 people though or am i missing something

Also I only said that because they asked for the odds

That’s not really angleshooting since it’s an unknown factor before I asked.
At most it’s metagaming

Incorrect 1/27. Remove me.

I thought there was 26 my bad


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no as I’m randomly rolling it throughout the whole game

I can’t believe Marcus rolled random Unseen
I was played


Okay yeah stahp metagaming

So N2 and N5 convert nights right?

1/26 derp. Thank you.

Absolutely in shambles


Supposing they don’t fail, yes.

Damn it you beat me to it!

We were doomed from the start

Yep, so thats 3 days and 2 nights before next scum converstion

Alot of time on our hands there.