[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Get your head in the game, Champ!

That ignored what I said. Answer it Htm. Because right now it seems like you are pushing hjaisk for bad reasons

I have a highly sophisitcated read on Wazza that I believe is 100% accurate and can exactly describe their alignment in this game with absolutely zero margin of error.

Wanna guess what it is?

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Scorned town

…Now you’re making me think of High School Musical.

Also granted I ought to pay more attention because we’re down since D1 lynch


don’t you dare say it or I swear to god.

Flavor town actually.

NK forty keks

Which would technically mean you townread me. As you said here:

So that means this reasoning is flawed

and I answered this

You are strawmanning the flip out of me tf?

I never did say that I town read you. First doesn’t make the second one flawed. Why are you trying so hard to seem like your reasoning is good

WazzaAzza is village because him posting thoughts about his classcard indicates that his immediate conciousness is on his own powers rather than a team’s powers, and is not something that Wolf!Wazza would think of due to likely having a very conservative style in terms of PR-gambitting. In addition to this, and crucially he exists.

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But for how long? :thinking:

oh ffs.

Wazza confirmed N1 cult convert.

I’m seriously not in the mood to be townread for existing again

But you said I have bad reasoning (you scumread me) and you said bad reasoning is townie, so it’s a contradiction.

Be grateful, my dude

Being townread is better than being scumread, in literally all cases