[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Yes I already said I do

Ok but explain the Geyde Marg thing already I asked you and you ignored it

I’m referring to possessed, I know that.
Not exactly sure what in particular.

I believe this is what it’s referring to.

Not counting on meta reads, sorry.

But to say, there is a difference, but this can be attributed to their first posts here.
Day 1 is full of memes.

@SweetyCake sorry to break it to you but this day aint fun and games no more

You have a whole cake. Full of possibilities. Yet you choose to cut one slice out that is Geyde_scum.exe and zoom in all the way. Then you convince yourself that Geyde is scum and push him. I haven’t read on Geyde, but what I thought you were doing was

You take out a slice of cake in the cake of possibilities. Then you say: This is the most delicious cake. Two possibilities. This half of this slice, and that half of this slice.
That’s laughable.

Okay, but why are you less interested in solving here?

Eh cant really explain
But i can feel like Geyde been possessing attention after being accusing for bleeding Priestess!
My guts say so!

I really just woke up!
Been still a little bit sleeping

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And makes me wanna reread you


Also, gonna start reading you now love.
Heheh >:D

Ok who do you think bled priestess
A. Geyde
B. No one
C. Anyone on Geydes scum team
D. Anyone else

Sorry missed it.

Let’s assume for a minute Priestess is scum fake claiming. Let’s also assume that she has experience fake claiming. This has been evident from the prior games.

Now if she is scum fake claiming a bleed there would be some kind of strategic benefit why. She would have some sort of end game in mind.

Sure it might get healers off of TLs but at the expense of lynching Priestess D2/D3/D4 whenever the bleed is supposed to kill her and doesn’t.

Based on this trade off Priestess would know she is not long for this world and act accordingly if scum. Yet I don’t see any evidence of that long term planning here.

Furthermore if she was trying to bait heals off of let’s say Kitten or someone else, she’s entirely the wrong person to do it given her predisposition towards fake claiming an actual healer may not buy it and nothing is gained.

So it seems like a high risk unlikely to get a reward play. When Priestess fake claimed as town she had purposes to it. Even though they seem silly there was a purpose. No way a scum team lets/suggests Priestess do that.

I am sorry I don’t follow.

A little bit too narrowed down… too specific.
I would love for a more broad approach instead…
There’s more than just Geyde, I strictly believe.

Or at least, let me read up on said fiesta before I give a final verdict

I think my phone is eating posts or something.

Did you address this Geyde?

“What I was saying”

Where were you saying it and to whom?

I’m coming from perspective that Sweety’s earlier posts were completely devoid of any solving, and their later ones ended up just pointing the finger at me when the thread was looking like that.

Extremely interesting angle to start from.
They are coming from this perspective where I had to be the one who bled Priestess, so that taints the read afterward.

It’s actually decently likely to be village. The rest of ISO is them looking at things and trying to look into it.

This in particular basically screams good.

Tone is still bugging me hard though.

The specific post is narrow in that it talks about the Priestess bleed.

There are other events outside the Priestess bleed but right now that is where my focus is as that is the conversation with DatBird.

However whatever those possibilities are those are the only ones for that specific event.

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I’m saying it to Ici
I’m saying it in thread.

I did

What I was saying = past tense.
So before Ici who were you speaking to?

Why do I bleed Priestess when I know their push on me is terrible