[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Partial to working with Math since their perspective at least makes more sense than the current one. It’s odd since the teams just don’t fill out from FK’s pov and he inevitably will have to barbarize the townreads eventually which just seems odd and narrowsighted

People wanted my ISO on Hja soooo I gave it to them

How does this leap happen

It felt “forced” not a natural push.

How does any of that post happen? I mean cmon…blinks

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How does it go from looking forced to distancing

Was walking home.

A lot of little chinks in the armor of the current towncore are showing and it’s pretty invigorating to keep digging deeper.

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Still Arbiter.

Like it isn’t a natural push if that makes any sense.

Hi Hja
Did you know that your fluff kills people in games mentally? :3


Pick one

Why do you think it isn’t natural push

And how does it go from being unnatural to distancing

and then you vote Bliz so you don’t look like a lurker.

Sttill Arbiter.

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Distancing isn’t exactly “natural”

Do you think
That doesn’t attract attention?

This is unnatural, the rest of the stuff in htm’s post isn’t.

If you dig deeper and still disagree that FK is scum I can accept that and then because when I die there is at least some seeds of “Hey maybe Math was right” it’s doubtful but at least Thought happens.

What I can’t accept is what I feel is Carter Blanche Fk is town and Ici is town or hell I am town because Math is loud.

There needs to be thought behind it.

Fk was trying to boss Marcus around earlier to get a specific neighborhood with them/Ici/anotherplayer. Then he creates a stranglehold later by trying to get everyone to not listen to Math instead of defeating his logic.

He also gladiates instead of letting the wagons fold out normally, providing cover for potential lacking scummates to not contribute to thread.

Fuck why am I buying into this extremely low chance