[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

How dare u claim my obvious town wall posts as signs of inexperience I have much experience doing so

Uhh I haven’t really towncleared you from wallposts sorry

Have u tried reading?
I heard its fun

what’s that yeah I just haven’t paid too much attention to you

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Who are you voting

Aww fuck.
I cant believe you done this.

But htm isnt proving his case any better.


But the noobs are supposed to save the world!
You were supposed to protect the noobs not join them in their slaughter!


This coupled with a few of your other subsequent posts come off very genuine to me. That by no means clears you of scum in a triple threat game, but it does clear you of the fake bleed theory.

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math isn’t locked clear anymore

sheeping Icibalus now though

@MathBlade what have you managed to do while I’m gone


what have i managed to do at all

hi pro h_hjaisk and pro Isaac


When said people ignore me because im actually bad at game

Me because I think it

Nope they would more likely bleed someone towny

Well based on my guess there is no scum team behind it

One convert night is n2, two it’s still a viable strategy imo because I feel like one of the heals should go your way in case

Now I would beleive this if it wasnt for your known fondness to fake claim. I think faking a bleed claim wouldnt be to hard from that

Like as I said one healer should be on you, but since we cant plan that since no outing club is where it’s at. We wont even really know if your healed since theres no feedback for either the healer or healee.

Guess I’m the evils since I’m the one pushing it

Question what scum team do you think bled you and who would you guess did the bleeding?

Would love to hear your opinion, I’m doing this as a precaution mainly. I dont want every healer like oh theres someone bleeding let me get that. I want coordination in a uncoordinated game.


Dont undersell yourself you are a great player

Overall as I have pointed out, there is 4 main possibilities with five theories. Let’s start with the theories.

  1. It’s fake to draw heals away from TL and you have fake claimed before so I expect you could fake a bleed (main pusher me)
  2. Geyde/Geydes team bled you mid push (main pusher initially you but then super used by Math)
  3. Lolwolves (main pusher Ici until later)
  4. Scum on Scum fighting (Icis new push)
  5. Scum trying to draw heals to a random (pushed by Marcus)

Now I can agree with a possibility of four of those the only one that doesnt make sense is the Geyde bled one, and I’m not gonna rewrite that ISO my talk with math where I keep explaining it to him.

Now to the actual outcomes I see four

  1. The bleed is real and you need healing, and you are just genuine town
  2. The bleed is fake and you are town. Scared you are going to die because Meta or because you are a PR you want a heal to keep you alive to stay longer in game
  3. The bleed is fake and you are scum, wanting to pull heals off TLs and waste someone’s night
  4. The bleed is real and you are scum, and got hit by another team. You still need heals, but you are still scum

Out of these four I’m more inclined to beleive 2-4 over 1. I overall scum read you but that happens with me and you every game. Your meta screws with my normal this is what town would do thinking. I have already ISOed you and shown what I think has been scummy about your play, but this could be just normal town Priestess. Realistically you could be total town and I’m overthinking it, but I’m mainly keep bringing this up because something feels off about it, and I’m trying to get others opinions

Like scumread me if you want for pushing an agenda of this could be fake, but let it be known I do think this could be real, just a lower chance imo

I hate to counteract your claim.

Don’t forget, there are two classes who can bleed.

Why wouldn’t they bleed an enemy Unseen/Cult?

Well others are apparently pushing on it also, so, why would you claim that?



Now, them bleeding does not mean they are Town, it merely means nothing. Two classes can bleed.

Still doesn’t make them Town.

This is the most plausible answer if Priestess is faking the bleed.



  • Datbird only pointing out the fact that there are two teams at the very end tells me that they are scum and their scum team did not bleed Priestess, thus, they believe that they are scum who is faking a bleed. Not only that the fact that they sound so informed on what is going on makes me believe that they know classes that Priestess can not be.
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Yeah obviously

Honestly I want to say no but I’m inexperienced in triple threats so maybe it is better to go for the other team. Even then I said that was a possibility later in that wall

Cause I think the bleed is fake

No shit


Did you read the post at all I was stating all possibilities

Post above

Did you read the post or any of my earlier posts about this?

I’m not but ok

I couldn’t tell you wth her class is, idk it.