[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

and to tell him to do x if he was scum


Limit is 3. It got upped.

And yes I am being quiet to evaluate here.


I only told partner to send a message that said ‘guard Geyde’ effectively.

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then marcus should have countered to try to get them to out towards him by acting evil and then the game is screwed nvm



If someone claimed to be an apostle you would have done what they said in hopes of them trusting you and telling you their members

Ok? I’m putting my thoughts to words. Just because I believe the sincerity to his post doesn’t mean I think the misplay was from a GK.

Should I post lizard thingy

Like this if you think I shouldn’t

Im not talking about the misplay, do you think marcus is gk or scum?

My partner is literally the second most important convert for scum at this point so I suggest someone WIFOMs protecting me from kills.

No I would’ve probably being more likely to make a stupid mistake and out that a letter with no sender scum claimed to me

Doubt they will attack ici

It’s not a mistake

It’s just something you won’t see unless you spent every second of your life looking at a game and seeing what can I do to ruin man’s career

I can give you my opinion but its not a strong one.


Stop trying to rolefish

I will listen to you today

If you tell me who your partner is sure

/vote geyde