[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

Daystart will be in 30 minutes.


The morning rises, and the only person unaccounted for is James, who died last night.

James was…

James' Flip

The Arbiter :crossed_swords: :shield:

Hand of Byzantium Special
Inside Knowledge (Passive) - Once the match starts you will have a n0 green check on a Hand of Byzantium player. At the start of each night, you will know if either faction converted a player.
Tenacity (Passive) - You cannot be occcupied nor redirected, and both of your night abilities can be used at the same time. However, at the same time all protective abilities will fail on you and any kill that targetted you cannot be occupied or redirected. This passive cannot be removed.
Entrust (Day) - Selects a player during the day, this cannot be your n0 green check. They will be immune to conversions for the remainder of the game and will share a neighborhood with you. - One use
Imperial Judgment (Night) - Kills a player if they are a member of the Unseen or the Cult, bypassing all forms of framing, healing, and protection. You will be notified of your target’s faction at the end of the night. - Infinite uses
Imperial Providence (Night) - Heal and prevent conversions on a chosen player, the conversion protection will last for the next night as well. - Infinite uses.
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

We found the following logs on him.

James' Logs

James the Arbiter
Entrusted James
n0 check Soulshader55
N1) Imperial judgement Possessed
Imperial providence FireKitten

The days begins now and will end in 72 hours or until someone hits majority.

With 26 players alive majority is 14.

D1 Retrospective VC

Accused Voters Count
Firekitten Possessed, HTM , Shurian, James , Magnus, Isaac_Gonzales 6
HTM Firekitten, Marcus_Doodalee :crown:, DatBird, PoisonedSquid, Margaret, Icibalus, Geyde, Blizer, Maxwell, Priestess, H_Hjasik, SweetyCake 12
None Meteoro, Fireslol, WazzaAzza, Sam17z, Soulshade55r PokemonKidRyan, Cupcakeaj2, Solic, MathBlade, BlueStorm, Shurian 11


/vote Blizer

Fuck I linked the wrong guy

This, however

/vote Icibalus

@Kirefitten thanks for pinging both Magnus and james at EoD yesterday, ruining all that hard work.

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Hey look! An Arb yeet and I’m still alive!


I was completely dead set on Poss being town over the night.
It was so damn obvious


I’m the world’s greatest at night actions

Baaa Grazes Grass

You have info don’t you :^)

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I was honestly hoping Arb had the knowledge to not bother with me because I can…again…confirm myself.

Absolutely no gladiating today.

dammit my herder is scum

However: I owe you an apology @Kirefitten

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And Geyde put all that hard work into making sure your profile was perfect as well.

I called Ici scum before it was cool
I still think he’s with Blizer though

We are turning into a blue sheep now

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Lemme guess.
Blue watched James and saw Ici going for the kick