[SFoL] SFoL 49: Triple Threat: Hand of Byzantium - Canned

I’m allergic to cats but I have 5 of them

get good

Hi allergic to cats but I have 5 of them, I’m Geyde

I left to get a drink and now it’s an ace attorney courtroom.

That your honor proves my client Geyde as even more innocent, he coudn’t strike down James he would have fallen ill and died from his allergies


I said I am not my name is

get bested

Wait what.
I’m the Prosecuter and the Defendant?


Talk about multi personality disorder

Wait, when did Firesheep join the game?


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I subbed in for firekitten, he needed to go to championships

You need me to change your name back?

No? I’m Firesheep.

See @Launchpad is a different person then me

Hold up, hold up, hold up, I thought you were firesheep were the same person aka firekitten.

No one tell the judge.

We aren’t

how long did it take you to figure this out

no one tell me what?